Itasca Software Forum Sign-up

This forum is a discussion platform for users of Itasca software (FLAC, FLAC/Slope, FLAC3D, UDEC, 3DEC, PFC, XSite, Griddle, and MineDW). Post questions, look for answers, and discuss cool ideas.

Anyone can join, but you need a valid software license to post a question. Sign-up for a forum account and then complete the following form. After you have been granted permission to post, feel free to ask questions and give feedback.

The forum is intended for general questions and observations about using Itasca software. If you have application-specific questions, or if you are not comfortable asking questions in a public forum, you can still use the Technical Support dialog, that is part of your software (under the HELP menu), or the Help Request form on our website.

Please enter a valid Itasca software serial number. Learn where to find this.
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