MINEDW 3.07 Update

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Latest Version: 3.07.117 (Description)
Released On: Montag, Dez. 4, 2023

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MINEDW 3.0 64-bit Update

Software Update Revisions

Revision Date Description
117 Dez. 4, 2023
  • Support Web License
235 Juli 26, 2021

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix error for negative pit stage
  • Add zone budget function (internal use)
226 Dez. 16, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Apply SAMG solver 2020
  • Fix pit inflow in mne file
225 Okt. 27, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix a bug for Export Section Pore Pressure
  • Improve support of Shape File
  • Fix Chead Group definition Bug
  • Correct River connection bug when multi-river share same last nodes
  • Correct elevation view not update after modification
  • Correct bug for Element view of pit after change elements Zone
222 Juni 23, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix a bug for restart with constant time step
  • Add revision information for Output files
  • Fix bug for water table in pinchouts
  • Add support for separate drain flow with geological units/user defined
221 Juni 8, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Improving pit lake simulation
  • Fix a bug when change all elements to pinchout Element
218 Mai 19, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix bug for backfill earlier than end of open pit
  • Fix bug of option “Elevation increase is allowed” doesn’t work
  • Add belongs to pit or not check for Pit elevation VS water table dialog
  • Fix a bug related to debug output
  • Update pit lake stages format
  • Correct typo in Pit ZOR Tab
217 März 27, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Change minimum distance between nodes from 0.1m to 0.0001m
  • Correct bug created by refining mesh for restart project
  • Add one more digital for Node input of node-elevation dialog for open pit
  • Fix a bug when calculate time difference using different time zone
  • Try to keep Variable Flux after re-define Pinchouts
214 Feb. 19, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • Remove evaporation after nodes become pit lake
  • Correct Pit flux crash bug
  • Correct collapse element conductivity cannot increase bug
  • Correct output Time series value bug
  • Correct bug crash when import pumping wells
  • Warning when model is too bigger and not supported by Qt.
213 Jan. 3, 2020

Bug Fixes:

  • A bug related to river nodes change after element refine
  • A bug related to refine elements and extend domain
212 Dez. 3, 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • A bug related to create mine plan with elevation
  • A bug of export section pore pressure in pinchout elements
210 Nov. 13, 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Make River solution more stable
  • Fix Pump not terminate Bug
  • Fix a bug for Annual time Series
  • Fix a bug for Chead Dialog which causes head assigned to wrong node
  • Modified calculation code’s file reading to support huge file
208 Nov. 4, 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Assign unit with DXF surface
  • Check Rivers have same first node.
205 Sept. 20, 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Backfill unit change
  • Backfill & ZOR share same unit
  • Change Number of layers cause merging of pumping wells
204 Sept. 18, 2019

Bug Fixes:

  • Flux view
  • Chead node in order of node number
  • Chead Group in order of name
  • Backfill
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